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An updated and expanded edition was published last year, including three new chapters. The Second Edition builds on 15 years of hard-won experience in rethinking revegetation strategies to match ten key design principles, as observed in nature by the author and ecologist, Stephen Murphy. As well as the new chapters, the Second Edition includes extensive revisions based on further observations of nature in action since 2009. In a new chapter highlighting personal case studies, six landholders attest to having applied Stephen's design principles and declare the results are now in – wildlife, in all its wonderful diversity, is returning.
You can read testimonials and a REVIEW on this website.

The Second Edition of The People of Budj Bim, with two new added chapters, covers the story of Australia's first Indigenous community-led nomination bid for World Heritage listing of their cultural landscape. In 2019, the Gunditjmara were recognised for their demonstrated technological ingenuity in engineering water flows and managing food resources across the Budj Bim lava flows in south-west Victoria over at least 6,600 years. A permanent supply of freshwater and abundant eels, fish and water plants meant that the Gunditjmara led a settled life there – an experience without parallel among Aboriginal societies and landscapes in Australia. Order now at the same price as the First Edition plus p&h. Bulk orders of over 10 from schools attract a 20% discount – email via CONTACT US to order.

Third reprint of this popular Indigenous history of the Gariwerd/Grampians Ranges. Reprinted in January 2019 in association with Brambuk the National Park & Cultural Centre.
Brings to light archaeological evidence of long term and substantial occupation of the ranges stretching back well over 20,000 years. Copiously illustrated and suitable for schools.
The retail price includes a small charge for p&h.

Reprinted on quality gloss paper with improved photo contrast. Extraordinary family history of Gunditjmara descendant, Dawn Lees, which begins with her great-grandfather William Willoughby working for the founder of Melbourne, John Batman. William has an affair with Eliza Batman and a failed marriage, then in his middle age goes bush in 1841, meeting a full tribal woman, Susannah, at Budj Bim, living in lava caves and having two children with her.
"Hauntingly vivid," Cameron Woodhead reviewed in The Age.

A delightfully whimsical, beautifully illustrated nature journal by writer and ornithologist, Tanya Loos. It reintroduces the concept of the Indigenous six seasons, rather than the four seasons we have inappropriately adopted from the northern hemisphere. Includes a wall poster wheel calendar in full colour with wonderful illustrations. The book’s stories and accompanying pix are about the common plants and animals, which residents and visitors are most likely to encounter in Victoria's foothill forests.

Most people heading out into the bush for a walk or mountain bike ride don’t have all day. Each of the half day, 20 walks and 10 bike rides in the new Central Victorian Highlands Walk and Ride Circuits guide is supported by a full colour contour map and track notes. All routes are circuits, avoiding fiddling around with car shuttles. Graded from easy to hard, the circuits are within a 25km radius from Daylesford. Wiro bound, the guide replicates the style of the Great Dividing Trail Association’s award-winning Goldfields Track Walk or Ride Guide.

My Father's Son was runner-up in the National Book Council Banjo Awards for Australian Literature. It tells the story of Ric Throssell's long battle to break through the suspicion and prejudice that stifled his Foreign Affairs career as the result of being the son of a famous writer and communist, Katherine Susannah Pritchard. In 1997, em PRESS published a revised edition, which includes a new final chapter uncovering information in top secret files held by ASIO on Throssell that he claimed cleared his name.

Landscape format with 95 superb photos by Alison Pouliot and five challenging essays by Gib Wettenhall. In the same style and of similar quality to the Sierra Club's beautiful landscape books of the United States western national parks. Now at a 40% discount.

Community-based commercial forestry (CBCF) is seen worldwide as a way of reversing the loss of forests. Linking reafforestation with commercial opportunities for rural communities seems a logical strategy. Over the past 10 years, a multi-disciplinary team of over 30 Australian and Indonesian researchers has addressed this across five districts within Indonesia. In this 128 page paperback, project team leader Dr Digby Race and his colleagues have drawn together the threads of their research and presented it in plain English. Exclusive to em PRESS, plus p&h

An early novel by Craig Horne, author of a trilogy of on Melbourne's music scene. He is leader of the blues band, the Hornets, which over many years featured ex-Daddy Cool members. This first in a pair of novels features a young public servant who makes itgood as a rock and roll star. Plus p&h.

Two early novels in one package by musician and writer Craig Horne. The racy novels follow the adventures of a young public servant who wants to become a rock star and the unintended consequences that occur when he achieves fame. Plus p&h.

The final novel by the son of Communist writer Katherine Susannah Pritchard. A diplomat, Ric was to become embroiled in a spy scandal. This third and final novel is his take on utopian dreams and their dark side. Described as an "important" and "courageous novel" in the Canberra Times. Plus p&h.
em PRESS Publishing specialises in Australian landscapes and their historical and cultural contexts. em PRESS is particularly interested in fusing Indigenous, European settler and nature-based readings of the landscape to provide a truer view of our country.